Sounds in the Silence

Listening to David Haskell speak about his book, “Sounds Wild and Broken” (for Emergence Magazine), we are reminded that without connection, “every organism withers and dies.” Not only do we require sensory connection, but we require sensory diversity as well.

Our senses bring us pleasure, he continues, and what I really appreciate hearing him say is that we can achieve spiritual connection as writers with our readers. (Earlier posts for this blog speak to that connection through knowing farmers and food – the relationship farmers have (some have) with their land and connecting to the story behind our food). It’s not unlike the music composer who needs an audience to listen to his music, otherwise it remains just a music score. Such a clever revision of what connecting can look like, especially when we no longer find belonging in our communities or are required to stay home.

When we experience beauty, when we use our senses in that way, a part of our brain lights up. As I have written about a lot over the past couple of years (unpublished, except for here), it is through the experience of awe that we can awaken the listener, the viewer, the reader, the witness, the observer, ourselves.

Can this be a remedy to the disenchantment and numbness that so many of us are experiencing? So that we may feel nourished and regain vitality? I think so.

Dr. Zach Bush, MD says that beauty generates the experience of love. We create beauty by creating ritual (and practices), by seeing beauty in Nature and each other, and being with. I believe we can also “create beauty” – indoors, in outdoor spaces and with “altars” of intention (see my website here). Because beauty impacts our nervous system in a good way, bringing calm and peace.

Haskell puts forth another idea, of how we tend to just push forth our own story when there are so many stories. He suggests we pay attention to themes and patterns, and to diversity and the unity that exists in that diversity, in the many different stories. When we sense into the Place where we are, we find a kinship with all the other stories and the lives unfolding there. This is to establish a soul of place – interconnectedness – so that we can know that we belong. We are welcome here in our Place, siting quietly and listening.

We still need connection with other humans, however. Perhaps many don’t know how much we need it or take it for granted, having never experienced the despair of not having it. (There is a difference between lack of connection or isolation, and loneliness). Perhaps we rarely experience being alone, and it makes us feel uneasy or lonely. To know solitude is soul-fulfilling but everything in moderation! I can speak to years of experiencing a lack of like-minded people and a community, cohort or congregation.

But this relates back to the disenchantment and numbness mentioned before. To explore more deeply this idea of isolation or separation, we often find shame – a cause for withdrawing further. People really don’t like talking about this, do they?! Which is a bit odd because it is normal to feel lonely and we will all experience it, so no one should feel embarrassed or ashamed. I know that my “culture” has attached the word ‘loser’ to the condition. And we learned that being a loser was embarrassing when we were young, because it alluded to how that person does not fit into mainstream society, mostly because they are unique and smart. So others neglected them for fear they would be labelled a loser as well! Coach Mellissa Seaman has a better name for them, giving them the archetype of the “lonely gifted.” It’s a good starting place for showing up differently!

Haskell wraps up the podcast by saying how listening leads to renewal, and that sound gives us the closest experience of being fleeting, like our lives. It helps us to feel alive! That’s what we want, isn’t it? Listening demands a certain attentiveness to capture the essence. (Inattention results in destruction of species). This leads to an experience of joy, belonging and then right action. It is also generative, because there is Guidance from our sensory experience of our ecosystem and Place. We are nourished. “Rich and fulfilled lives come from connection,” he says, and that connection comes from using our senses.

If, like me, you are feeling disenchanted -feeling the effects of being “under-stimulated” these past two years, join me in Nature to receive nourishment from sensory experience (details coming soon). Or, remember planning things to do?! Activities like socializing and listening to other people; attending events and taking in theatre, music or the arts; tasting delicious food? Our senses crave a smorgasbord of experience through all our senses!

Start however, by just listening. “We can’t save species easily but we can turn down the noise,” which I will write about in an upcoming post … about the ‘white people’ noise that never stops (until it did in March 2020).

Imaginal Writing: Sister Corn

“An [image] shows me at a glance what would be spread over at least ten pages!

Ivan Turgenev in Fathers and Sons (1862, translation by Constance Garnett)
July 2019, New Hamburg, Ontario

A lantern that I use symbolically to light the way (mine and others, as archetype of Mentor),

Some sweetness to lure the joyfulness of hummingbird and the song of ecstatic finches (note the glory of the redness …),

A round bale of hay as a sign of abundance and security in winter (for the serious business of farming as food production) and then,

The majestic corn, one Sister, and how She bursts forth in all Her capacity for becoming the corn (expressing Her entelechy- like how an acorn, unhampered, comes into full expression and purpose by becoming a magnificent oak tree), stretching full out to soak up the sun’s energy – heart chakra green growth.

Listening: A pair of osprey screech and soar.

Some almost fuschia lilies remind me of and add to, the beauty, and at the garden’s edge, some artisanal things that make the journey or taste of life even more worthwhile. Herbs anyone?

Afterall, it’s all about being able to say: “That was yummy!” and experience a surge of Vitality (yes, capital ‘V’).

The pole must be representative of my role. It makes me think of those cedars gripping the rocks at Cyprus Lake. It has prongs that hold it into place, like a strong tree deeply rooted, holding it all together, firmly in its stance. Holding it’s own? Holding out offerings? The sweetness and the light? Regardless, it is a reminder of humanity’s presence, coexisting with Nature.

So many Amazing Earth Wisdom Opportunities

There are just so many Earth-based and Soul-based opportunities, gatherings and circles that I am going to start keeping track of some of them here, as I just don’t know how to otherwise! I find these to be such important initiatives for our times. We all need access to these teachings.

What does it mean to hold council? For me, it means holding space for emergence. It is incredible what can happen when a few minds come together to sink into their hearts.

Holy listening – to “listen” another’s soul into life, into a condition of disclosure and discovery, may be almost the greatest service that any human being ever performs for another. ~Douglas Steere, author, teacher & Quaker Elder

Here is a lovely warm video about it.

Ways of Council has begun a list already, but there are so many others I want to add here.

“Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that eve has.”
~ Margaret Mead – “Embracing Life through the Forest and the Feminine” – The Pachamama Aliiance offers several levels of training, including Awakening the Dreamer, “a transformative educational program that explores the challenges facing humanity at this critical moment in time and the opportunities we as a human family have to create a new future.” The intensive was an incredible primer for me to know what is really going on out there. – Joanna Macy is a role model for me.

The central purpose of the Work that Reconnects is to help people uncover and experience their innate connections with each other and with the systemic, self-healing powers of the web of life, so that they may be enlivened and motivated to play their part in creating a sustainable civilization. ~ Joanna Macy – coming from a different perpsective, Cynthia Bourgeault had to be included here because she is my favourite author!

…things do not lose spirit simply because they inhabit form… the created world is infinitely precious and valuable in its own right ~ Cynthia Bourgeault, The Holy Trinity and the Law of Three – A place where I like to retreat to in Ontario, the Ignatius Jesuit Centre is a truly peaceful place where everyone is made to feel welcome and where an earth spirituality is openly embraced, along with an Abrahamic tradition.

Let’s not underestimate the importance of transformational life festivals in this movement. Here are a couple I really want to go to!

Why? Because right now, our whole global community and all the places we live in need healing from collective trauma, first for ourselves to then reach out to our communities, then to our landscapes, to finally contribute to a loving Earth community again, for She sustains our lives on this planet.

Not to say I enjoy healing circles, because I don’t, but I am fascinated by the emergent in well held council. It’s very intentional.


(The image above from the Animal Totem Tarot by Leeza Robertson)

Wordless Wednesday: Find Your Warrior Archetype

I repost “Find Your Warrior Archetype, Sisters: We are in the Fight of our Lives” by Trelawney Grenfell-Muir from this week’s post at

Connecting With The Earth: Experiencing The Sacred by James Profit

This is one of my most cherished posts, and I don’t think the ideas are heard often enough with this much clarity. Since I had a recent soulquest at Ignatius Jesuit Centre in Guelph near the Jim Profit trail that honours Jim’s life, I feel the urge to post it here in the hopes that his teachings continue to reach more people. It was not a warm summer day that day I quested, but one in late fall. Still, beauty abounded everywhere on this sacred land.

Connecting With The Earth: Experiencing The Sacred
by James Profit

        It was one of those warm days in early summer. Some of the staff of the Ojibwe Cultural Foundation, where I was working as a student for the summer, decided to join people at the Sacred Fire on a neighbouring reserve. We left our cars at the road and walked down a narrow path deep into the bush to a clearing by the lake side. In the centre of the clearing was a large fire that had been burning continuously for over a month. The reserves of Manitoulin Island (in Ontario) had been experiencing some tension, so the elders decided to begin a Sacred Fire as a way of praying for peace and harmony in and among the communities. The plan was to keep it going throughout the summer. This meant that someone needed to be present night and day throughout this time – present in a prayerful way.

        Our group sat around the fire in silence. Indeed it was very peaceful. Eventually, the spiritual leader of the reserve led us in a pipe ceremony. After that, people mingled with each other, chatting, sharing food, returning to the fire, or simply looking out over the water.

        It was a beautiful day. The sun was out. The lake was calm. The hardwood trees around us were majestic. No one was in a rush. Yet, it was not only this that made it so beautiful. Something else much more profound happened to me. Spiritually, it was a “coming home.” I had the feeling that in my communing with nature, I was communing with God! I was worshiping God. I experienced God. It seemed all of Creation was participating in this religious event. I experienced awe, peace, harmony because I felt at one with God and the Earth community.

        No one had to explain to me the meaning of the Native symbols and rituals. These simply worked to facilitate and express this communion. Moreover, and this was perhaps the biggest insight, the rituals helped me to realize that my childhood experience of connecting with the natural surroundings of Prince Edward Island had all along been an unarticulated religious experience. It was through the land, bush and sea that a loving, nourishing God was revealed to me. My love for the outdoors was a love for the experience of God.

        Much of my youth was spent outdoors. With my large family, I camped by the ocean throughout a good part of the summer, and skied in the winter. During the summers, when I was not camping, I would stay at the farms of my cousins. I lived in a small town located on part of the Island where the ocean was never more than 1.5 miles away. Everywhere we went, the ocean was always in the background. We “breathed” the ocean as much as we breathed the air! As a result, I developed a deep love for and attachment to the land and ocean.

        The attachment to land and ocean is something I seem to share with most Islanders. There is the sense that the Island belongs to all of us, even those of us who “live away.” The Island’s shore is locally considered as public property, and is very much treated as such. There is a real pride and love for the rolling red hills.

        Unfortunately, the particular version of Christian religion that I had experienced in my youth was not very helpful in enabling me to realize that this attachment to and love for the outdoors might have anything to do with God. I was not encouraged to seek God beyond the church. I was raised with an understanding that emphasized the “real presence” to be in the tabernacle or the “Word of God,” not outside the church. As a result I did not have the religious concepts to make explicit my religious experience in nature. The rituals and symbols used within the church did not speak to this experience. In fact, they often seemed quite empty.

        The Native spiritual tradition explicitly expresses a spiritual relationship with nature. A relationship with the Earth is a relationship with an aspect of the Divine. As a result, the rituals of that July afternoon on Manitoulin Island spoke to my interior experience of nature. I came to understand nature not only as a good place to “leave the world” to be renewed, but as an experience of God. The experience broadened my understanding of God. Ironically, this very life-giving experience of Native ritual and symbol brought much life to my experience of Christian ritual and symbol.

        I have often been struck by the relationship with the Earth that many rural people have, such as farmers, fishers and others who live and work close to the land. City people have this connection, too. Parks are usually an essential and well-used part of any city. The jam of traffic going north of Toronto on a summer Friday afternoon is another indication of a relationship to land. I suspect that for many, as it was for me, this relationship is of a religious nature though not spoken of as such, and divorced from any experience of church. This was the case for a group of university graduate students for which I gave a talk on Creation spirituality. The students were not particularly religious, or at least not connected to any church. I was trying to explain the meaning of spirituality. I asked them if they enjoy being outdoors. The majority indicated that they did. I then sought from them what it was about the outdoors that drew them there. What were the feelings that they had in nature? These were the feelings they expressed: peace, interconnectedness, harmony, reverence, quiet, beauty, awe, and just feeling that things are right when you are there. These were their words! I said to them, “Now have you not described to me a religious experience?!” For the first time, some of them realized that their experience in nature which they loved was an experience of God.

Earth is Spiritual
        So what is this experience? How can we describe it? How can we put words to it?

        Our relationship with the Earth is not merely physical. The Earth is alive; it is spiritual. All entities of the Earth express this spirit. The soil of the Earth, for example, is not merely physical matter, consisting of minerals and organic matter, holding the roots of plants. There is a mysterious, spiritual and alive quality to it. As Sr. Miriam MacGillis of Genesis Farm in New Jersey reminds us, ” Because we eat not only earth, air, fire and water when we eat a tomato, we are eating its inner mystery as well, which is spirit.”(1)

        Traditional First Nation understanding is consistent with this view. All living trees, the animals and even some non-organic entities, such as rocks, stars and air are spiritual. Even whole ecosystems or land formations are considered as having a spirit. Basil Johnston explains:

Each valley or any other Earth form – a meadow, a bay, a grove or a hill – possesses a mood which reflects the state of being of that place. Whatever the mood, happy, peaceful, turbulent, or melancholy, it is the tone of that soul-spirit. As proof, destroy or alter or remove a portion of the plant beings, and the mood or tone of that valley will not be what it was before. (2)

        When we connect with Creation, we experience this tone, this spirit, because it is alive; the relationship is mutual, not just one way.

        The spirit within all entities of the Earth is of God; it is God’s presence within the Earth. Thus, our experience of the Earth brings us beyond ourselves to the source of all that is. We feel awe, respect and peace because we touch into the Divine. We experience the Creator’s beauty. The native elder, the late Art Solomon explains:

I am a craftsman and I know that the craftsman puts something of himself into everything he makes. … The Hopis say that the Creator was the first worker. And since he is perfect, what he has made expresses his perfection. He is in it… (3)

        Hildegard von Bingen, a twelfth century nun, expresses a similar understanding:

All living creatures are so to speak, sparks from the radiation of God’s brilliance, and these sparks emerge from God like the rays of the sun. How would God be known as life if not through the fact that the realm of the living which glorifies and praises God, also emerges from God? On this account God has established the living, burning sparks as a sign of the brilliance of the divine renown.(4)

        All elements of the Earth community, therefore, reflect an aspect of the Divine. In my relationship to the land and ocean, I experienced the beauty of the Creator, as well as a loving Mother who nourished me, and Father who cared for me.

Spiritual Experience of Place
        When we have a spiritual experience of place, we feel intimately connected to it; we have an experience of connectedness and communion. As the University College of Cape Breton professor, Silver Donald Cameron concludes, when we gaze at the surf from a beach we see God, and we receive the “assurance . . . that we are somehow connected with a unity too fundamental to name.”(5) An understanding that humans are somehow separate from the Earth just does not fit this experience. Indeed, it is also contrary to the Biblical understanding. The second creation story in Genesis 2 describes humans as created from “the dust of the ground” of the Earth (Gen. 2:7). The Hebrew word for ground is adamah while the word for human is adam. We come from the Earth!

        First Nations people view themselves in continuity with and through the land. The land is where one centres human dwelling. Danny Blackgoat states:

I am a Navajo and I belong to Earth. The Earth is my mother, my provider, my caretaker. I am her child. She nourishes me from her body and her soul. I belong to the land. I am rooted in my Mother Earth. Her deserts, canyons and mesas encircle me. Her mountains, fields and forests are a part of me.(6)

        The Christian “geologian,” Thomas Berry, argues that humans are indeed dimensions of the Earth and the universe itself. Like all of Creation we evolved from the Earth. Moreover all the variety of life manifested by the Earth’s evolutionary process influence who we are. He states, “If we lived on the moon, our mind and emotions, our speech, our imagination, our sense of the divine would all reflect the desolation of the lunar landscape.”(7) And, I might add, we are influenced by the particular bioregion, the particular piece of land that we grew up on. If I had grown up in Ontario, I would have the same genes, but I would be a different person. I am who I am, because I grew up on that particular island in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Its ocean, red soil and rolling hills have formed me. That piece of Earth is a part of me; it is who I am.

        I remember a Native elder once telling me that when we are influenced by our environment in this manner, if we leave this place we always yearn to return. Yes, PEI is always home for me and draws me back. The late Angus MacLean, a former federal minister of fisheries and premier of PEI, explained his deep attachment to the land of his birth by noting the instinct within the humming bird which brings it back to his farm every spring after the winter sojourn to South America, and within the salmon which goes back up the same river to spawn every year. He states:

This homing instinct is not something that is merely imprinted, or learned, or just force of habit. It is deeper and more fundamental than that . . . It may well be that we still have in us the vestiges of some primeval instinct that we once shared with Pacific salmon and hummingbirds that, for each one of us, some particular spot is special.(8)

Lucy Maud Montgomery describes this same experience in a more poetic manner. After living for a time in Ontario, she describes the spiritual experience of her return back to the Island, to which she refers by its Mi’kmaq name, Abegweit:

Peace! You never know what peace is until you walk on the shores or in the fields along the winding red roads of Abegweit on a summer twilight when the dew is falling and the old, old stars are peeping out and the sea keeps its mighty tryst with the little land it loves. You find your soul then . . . you realize that youth is not a vanished thing but something that dwells forever in the heart. And you look around on the dimming landscape of haunted hill and long white sand-beach and murmuring ocean, on homestead lights and old fields tilled by dead and gone generations who loved them . . . you will say, “Why . . . I have come home!”(9)

The Passion of the Earth
        The Earth is a revelation of the beauty, power and love of the Creator. We also live in a time of crisis for the Earth. For various reasons, many people grow up without any real connection with the Earth. Increasing numbers of refugees are never allowed to stay at a place long enough to feel at home with a place of the Earth. Poverty and oppression sometimes alienate people from the Earth. For many of the peasants with whom I worked in Jamaica, forced to carry out a living on marginal hillside land, the land became a means of their oppression, not spiritual connectedness. Often their hope lay in leaving the land for the bright lights of the city or the north.

        It is also a time of great destruction of the Earth by the human community as we continue to pollute our waters, produce greenhouse gases, air pollution, and so on. Productive agricultural land is being consumed by our cities or the expanding desert. Forests are disappearing. Species of life have been eliminated and continue to be eliminated at a rate of three per hour. Clearly, the Earth is suffering.

        The crisis of the Earth often stems from an attitude of opposition to and control of nature held by humans. What Wendell Berry says about the American experience, can be extended to our experience as well. He states:

… we are up against an American convention of simple opposition to nature that is deeply established in both our minds and ways. We have opposed the primeval forests of the East and the primeval prairies and deserts of the West, we have opposed man-eating beasts and crop-eating insects, sheep eating coyotes and chicken-eating hawks. In our lawns and gardens, we oppose what we call weeds. (10)

        The Hau de no sau nee (the Six Nations) remind us of the destructiveness of this cultural attitude. They state:

The destruction of the native cultures and people is the same process which has destroyed and is destroying life on this planet. The technologies and sacred systems which have destroyed the animal and plant life are also destroying the native people. And that process is Western civilization.(11)

        The First Nations of Canada are particularly affected by the dominant cultural bias because of their strong spiritual connection to the Earth. Frank T’Selie told the 1975 MacKenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry at Fort Good Hope:

Mr Blair [president of the Foothills Gas Co. and present at the inquiry], there is a life and death struggle going on between us, between you and me. Somehow in your carpeted boardrooms, in your panelled office, you are plotting to take away from me the very centre of my existence. You are stealing my soul. Deep in the glass and concrete of your world you are stealing my soul, my spirit. By scheming to torture my land you are invading me. If you ever dig a trench through my land, you are cutting through me.(12)

        Part of the pain I experienced when I lived on a First Nation reserve was the pain of a people who were struggling with a loss of identity. The historic treaties, and treaty violations which resulted in something equivalent to land theft, also had something to do with the stealing of soul, the stealing of the centre of existence of a people. I suspect that some of the sentiment behind land claims and the fishing dispute in the Maritimes is a desire to regain this soul of a people. I suspect too, that this sentiment is held by some non-Native people as well. The tragedy of the collapse of the cod fishery is the collapse of “a way of life,” which includes a spiritual attachment to the sea, for the small fisherman. The fight to save the family farm in Canada, is partly a fight by farmers to save their soul – their attachment to their land.

        As a people we have lost, or at the very least not valued, a spiritual relationship with the Earth. As a result we have severed an aspect of our relationship with God. All humans are affected by the resulting attitude that leads to the abuse of the Earth. As we destroy the Earth which physically and spiritually sustain us, we are destroying something of the very core of human life. Because we come from the Earth, we simply cannot destroy the Earth without destroying ourselves.

The Passion of the Earth is the Passion of Jesus
        I felt the suffering of Jesus when I lived among people who suffered, people such as Aboriginals of Ontario and peasants in Jamaica. The cry of the people was the cry of Jesus – Jesus on the way to the cross, Jesus on the cross. It was also clear to me that many people experience this same closeness of Jesus in their suffering, in their passion. People identified with the passion of Jesus.

        Leornardo Boff reminds us that the suffering of the poor is the suffering of the Earth in Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor.(13)The cry of the poor is indeed the voice of Earth who is suffering from death and destruction wrought by humans. The cry of the Earth is also the cry of Jesus. Jesus is suffering in the erratic weather systems caused by the heating of Earth’s atmosphere. Jesus is suffering in the crisis caused by the near extinction of the cod, not only because of the suffering of the fishers, but because one more revelation of God’s presence is being put to death. The passion of the Earth, including the passion of suffering people, is the passion of Jesus. The cry of the poor is the cry of the Earth is the cry of Jesus.

        Paul’s conversion experience happened with the realization that in his persecution of Christians, he was persecuting Jesus. “Saul, Saul why are you persecuting me?” (Acts 9:4). Is not our persecution of the Earth, the persecution of Jesus?

Hope in the Resurrection of Life
        Jesus is suffering in the passion of the Earth. Yet we need not have the despair of the disciples that first Good Friday. Our hope comes from fostering our relation with the Earth and contemplating her teachings. A Native elder once told me that if you want to learn about the lessons of life, examine nature – spend time with a tree and allow it to teach you. We receive a similar teaching from the book of Job:

But ask the animals, and they will teach you; the birds of the air, and they will tell you; ask the plants of the earth, and they will teach you; and the fish of the sea will declare to you. … [In God’s] hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of every human being. Job 12:7-10

        The Earth teaches us that her story is about life. Death exists for life. As J. I. Rodale, one of the pioneers of the organic farming movement states, ” In the soft warm bosom of a decaying compost heap, a transformation from life to death, and back again, is taking place.”(14) I am consoled when I walk over the disused gravel pit on our farm and see that even though the land is scarred, cedars are now beginning to grow. Mother Earth has a tremendous power to heal herself. “Resurrection is the order of the Universe,”(15) insists Sr. Mary Southard.

        I am consoled when I learn the history of the Earth’s creation. Times of great destruction of the past were also times of cosmological grace.(16) The death of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago, for example, was a time of crisis for Earth. Yet life, and in particular, mammalian life, blossomed with its better developed strategies for reproduction and survival. We live in another potential moment of cosmological grace.

        James Lovelock , a British scientist who developed the Gaia hypothesis, is confident that the Earth will evolve as a self-regulating system so that She continues to live.(17) He says that the evolution may only happen by the extinction of the human species, the species causing the most destruction. I have to admit that I find hope even in this thought. But we have reason for hope that the human species will also survive because we have experienced the resurrection of a human being, whose death resulted from the same type of deadly sin from which the Earth presently suffers. Our experience is that even this death is not the end. Because we are people who experience this life, we can trust that the earth will survive. We can trust in the covenant God made to Noah that never again will the Earth be destroyed:

Then God said to Noah and to his sons with him, “As for me, I am establishing my covenant with you and your descendants after you, and with every living creature that is with you, the birds, the domestic animals, and every animal on the earth with you, as many as came out of the ark. I establish my covenant with you, that never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of the flood, and never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth.” Genesis 9: 8-11

The Call of the Earth
        This time of crisis is calling us to be people of the resurrection. Out of death, we are called to life. We are being called to conversion from our persecution of Jesus in the Earth. We are being called to shift our way of looking at the Earth, not as something to be conquered and controlled, but to be reverenced and respected as the primary revelation of God. We are being called to follow Jesus who gave us an example of his dominion when he washed his disciples’ feet at the Last Supper, and called them friends not servants. We are being called to feel the pain of the Earth, the passion of Jesus in the Earth, and to cry out for the Earth, letting our voice join the voice of other suffering peoples among us. We are being called to heal our relationships so that we can heal ourselves and be a part of the healing life needed for the Earth. It is not a time for despair, but a time to become a part of the life of the earth, the life which comes from death. We can be participants in this cosmological grace.

        We hear as the Jewish people heard, God calling us to Sabbath – to take time in our lives to rest and contemplate the Holy. More and more people are following this call as they find ways to foster their relationship with Sacred Earth. Only by touching into the centre of our existence can we renew our weary soul, strengthening our ability to act for the Earth.

        We as a human community can prayerfully spend time with trees, with a compost heap, with the beauty of Creation in our own local environment. Even in an inner city, we can experience the life-giving beauty of God expressed by a weed in the crack of a sidewalk. When we experience the Earth as holy, as a revelation of God, our actions may change from control and destruction of the Earth, to living in respect for and communion with the Earth.

        Perhaps when we treat ourselves by taking a Sabbath with the Earth, we may find ways to give the Earth the Sabbath that is needed.


Posted at Father James (Jim) Profit, S.J. (1957 – Jan. 11, 2014): “I feel that he lit a torch in the darkness of the world and he’s now asking me and others to keep it lit” (in a Sermon by Bill Clarke SJ).


1. “Reconnecting with the Earth,” Acres USA, A Voice for Eco-Agriculture. 30 (6) 2000, 33.

2. Basil Johnston. Ojibway Heritage. (Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1987), 33-34.

3. E. Newberry, J. Dumont, and A. Soloman. “Native Faith: a Diologue,” The Interculture Journal. 15 (1) 1982, 3.

4. Jane Bobko. Vision. The Life and Music of Hildegard Von Bingen. (New York: Penguin Studio Books, 1995), 44.

5. Silver Donald Cameron. The Living Beach. (Toronto: MacMillan Canada, 1998), 228.

6. Valerie Taliman. “Reading the Clouds. Native Perspectives on Southwestern Environments.” Fall, 1999. Native Americas. May 15, 2000 <;.

7. Thomas Berry. The Dream of the Earth. (San Francisco: Sierra Club Books, 1988), 11.

8. J. Angus MacLean. Making It Home. (Charlottetown: Ragweed Press, 1998), 272-273.

9. Francis W.P. Bolger, Wayne Barrett and Anne MacKay. Spirit of Place. Lucy Maud Montgomery and Prince Edward Island. (Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1982), 1.

10. Wendell Berry. Home Economics. (New York: North Point Press,1987), 9.

11. Hau de no sau nee. Basic Call to Consciousness The Hau de no sau nee Address to the Western World. (New York: Mohawk Nation, 1977), 10.

12. Gibson Winter. Liberating Creation. (New York: Crossroads Publishing, 1981), 101.

13. Leornardo Boff. Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor. (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1997).

14. Maria Rodale. Organic Gardening. (Emmaus, Pennsylvania: Rodale Press, Inc., 1998),123.

15. Mary Southard. Love Notes to Earth 2000 Calendar. Sisters of St. Joseph of LaGrange, April 2000.

16. cf Thomas Berry. The Great Work. Our Way in the Future. (New York: Bell Tower, 1999), 196.

17. cf. James Lovelock, Gaia: A New Look at Life on Earth. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987).

Wordless Wednesday: Human Beings are Part of the Miracle too -2!

As I grapple to discern delivery and expression of “what’s next,” I am reminded to be in awe of what the human being is capable of, and how it can take so many different forms, as Life does in Nature. I have posted a video from this dance couple before (here).

I wanted to touch that feeling again, that Impulse expressing itself. I share it here with this video – nothing even close to my expression LOL, but it helps to feel It nevertheless.

If you can’t get enough, this one is irresistible too.

More darkness? or Can we be the change?

I borrow this from the conclusion of a blog at In this blog, John Michael Greer reviews the predictions he made for 2016, also alerting us to the fact that air temperatures over the Arctic ice cap are 50°F warmer than usual for this time of year (December 2016). I worry about my friends, the polar bears (I was born in the polar bear capital of the world).

A destabilized jet stream is sucking masses of warm air north into the Arctic skies, while pushing masses of Arctic air down into the temperate zone…. The climatologists who’ve been trying to model the diabolically complex series of cascading feedback loops we call “global climate” have no clue.

polar-bear_getty-imagesBelow, the emphasis is mine.

As 2017 dawns, in a great many ways, modern industrial civilization has flung itself forward into a darkness where no stars offer guidance and no echoes tell what lies ahead. I suspect that when we look back at the end of this year, the predictable unfolding of ongoing trends will have to be weighed against sudden discontinuities that nobody anywhere saw coming.  We’re not discussing the end of the world, of course; we’re talking events like those that can be found repeated many times in the histories of other failing civilizations.  That said, my guess is that some of those discontinuities are going to be harsh ones.  Those who brace themselves for serious trouble and reduce their vulnerabilities to a brittle and dysfunctional system will be more likely to come through in one piece.

What can agriculture do?

Here are some solutions offered by my favourite blog, Landscapes for People, Food and Nature:
1: Trees on agricultural land could sink four times more carbon.
2: Carbon can be absorbed back into the soil that is covered by cover crops and pasture.
3: Protecting wetland and peat ecosystems offers huge opportunities to mitigate climate change.
4: Improving grasslands – yes, this means more livestock! See or even better, read Sheldon Frith’s book ( for more details.

What can you do?

Re-establish your relationship with Nature.

Thoughtful Thursday: A New Chapter of Agricultural Practice

Let us stand in front of this new knowledge (our collective enlightenment that we are all experiencing due to the extraordinary unfolding revelations about the soil microbiome) with a sense of reverence and inquiry, as this will assist our strivings to increase the depth and complexity of that thin film of organic life which clothes our home, planet Earth, and upon which the sustainability of most human nutrition will ultimately depend.

by Patrick Holden, originally published by Sustainable Food Trust

Boettcher Family Farm
Boettcher Family Farm

The Power of Awe for Transforming Agriculture

How might we integrate the experience of awe and wonder into agriculture so that humanity reawakens to the earth as a living being and takes greater care? What if visiting a farm lead to more frequent “jaw-dropping moments of awe” through experiencing a reclaiming of the miracle of food and farming?

Visit the Greater Good project at Berkeley for more details on the upcoming event on the Art and Science of Awe
Visit the Greater Good project at Berkeley for more details on the upcoming event on the Art and Science of Awe

The following is taken from the overview promoting the upcoming event on the Art and Science of Awe:

Only recently has awe received serious scientific attention. Cutting-edge research on this emotion, including an unprecedented three-year project now drawing to a close at UC Berkeley, suggests that it has profound psychological, social, and physical health benefits—perhaps even stronger, in some cases, than those of other positive emotions.

Leading scientific experts on awe have revealed therapeutic and unique health benefits, how the emotion of awe can foster kindness and connection, and its potential to help kids and adults thrive in life. Their talks will be complemented by mind-expanding presentations and performances by artists, educators, and others. The program will explain what makes an experience awe-inspiring, shed light on why we feel awe, and explore how to inspire more awe in daily life—through nature, art, technology, and more.

What they miss mentioning is the culinary arts. Through beautifully prepared food by skilled chefs, we stimulate many of our senses, especially when it is food direct from a local farm that tells a story.

This post reflects what a relationship with Nature might look like:

We credit our reciprocal relationships with land and food as essential to shifting consciousness and to guide us, out of a love for the Earth, to take greater care. Therefore, we believe in bringing farming and the sustenance it provides, from the margins of cultural consciousness, into the centre so that it has a bigger role at the table in talks about climate change, ecosystem health, resource use, hunger, water supply, public health, policy discussions, indigenous teachings, education of our youth, economic reform, carbon sequestration from soil regeneration, traditional cultures and our connection to place.

Be a part of bringing the kind of farming that increases soil health and uses practices that help mitigate climate change, from the margins of cultural consciousness into the centre so that it’s big role is recognized in talks about the serious issues affecting us and all life on earth.

N is for Nature, miracles everywhere

N is for Nature
by Guy Dauncey

N is for Nature, miracles everywhere

filling the planet with green creeping vines,

from tiniest microbes to wandering wolverines,

explosion of living, wings, teeth and eyes.


Starting with atoms then built into molecules,

mixed with rich carbon infused with belief

in a future so possible, strange and improbable,

bursting all over from crevice to reef.


Nature’s our origin, seed, life and everything,

total surrounding, total within.

To think we are separate, better or different,

that has to be the original sin.

See Guy Dauncey’s complete poem here and check out this chapter in his new book, Journey to the Future, a future world brimming with innovation and hope, where the climate crisis is being tackled, the solar revolution is underway, and a new economy is taking shape.